How To Learn More about Family Systems & Family Therapy
If you're looking to learn more about family therapy and in particular family systems therapy, consider being part of my monthly consultation group.
This is a monthly online group for therapists and associates seeking a deeper understanding of family dynamics and in particular Family Systems and Structural Family Therapy. You do not have to be working with a family to benefit from this this group as we will be applying theory to family, couples and individual clients.
Aspects of Systems Theory are reviewed with emphasis on application in sessions and techniques used.
Case presentations are an opportunity for group members to work collaboratively towards a systemic understanding of a current case.
Structural family therapy focuses on the structure of a family unit and improves the interactions between family members in the belief that dysfunction in the family is a result of imbalance in the organization or hierarchy. Suggested in this is that dysfunctional family relationships can create mental health problems for members of that family. By addressing how members of the family relate to one another, the goal is to improve communication and relationships to create positive changes for both individual family members and the family unit as a whole.
Oliver Drakeford is a Family Therapist in West Hollywood and uses family systems to understand and help clients.